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War For Your Bloodline - Soft Cover Book


Many people in the world, and in the body of Christ are caught in cycles, and patterns of behavior that continue year after year, keeping them from living in the victory that God has intended for them. God created us as a three-part being, and for those three parts to work together. Each of us are a spirit, we live in our body, and we possess a soul. In our body, we carry a natural human bloodline DNA that we received from our parents. This bloodline dictates our genetics biologically and physically, but we do not have to allow it to define us. We have a God DNA, and through Jesus' blood, our blood has been transfused. This book will teach you how to walk through that transfusion process and possess the victory and the blessing that God intended for you. Many layers will be pulled off as you walk this process out, and you will no longer ask the question, why can't I ever get ahead. God has a plan and a purpose for you, and He wants you walking in the fullness of His blessing, so that you can become a blessing to others.

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